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2024 Garden Updates

This will be where we update what is going on with the garden throughout the 2024 season.  So excited to share.  If you have questions, want to purchase some veggies (after harvest of course) or want to join in, click the button below to contact Bruce or Janice Balcom.

Garden Prep will start in late March.  See below for the process from 2023!

Our first task of the season is getting the starters going, this happened this week.  Throughout the next weeks we will watch the moisture levels, and temperature in the "Hoop House" as we anticipate the seedlings to germinate.  

March 27th -Starters have been set in the hoop house.

TOMATOES-- 3 flats Early Girl, 1 flat Brandywine,
CHERRY TOMATOES--1/2 flat Sakura Cherry, 1/2 flat Supersweet Cherry, 1/2 flat saved seed Red Cherry, 1/2 flat saved seed Sweet Treats;
SWEET PEPPERS-- 1 flat Sweet Delilah, 1/2 flat Bell,
HOT PEPPERS--1/2 flat Jalapeno, 1/2 flat Flaming Faire,
HERBS--1/2 flat Basil, 1/2 flat Lavender, and 1/2 flat Rosemary

April 5th -More prepping of the hoop house and outside garden.

Today we watered down the hoop house before rototilling or building beds. because it is dry and dusty in the middle.
checked the seedling progress and assess the heating setup.  (they are doing nicely, see the photo)
did a weed burning test outside in the garden.

April 30th -More prep on the hoop house and weeding.














      Some of the early girl tomato plants have been put into the ground. (check out the photos)


     We spent some time weeding out around the outside of the garden to keep it free from weeds.       

     Next week we hope to get the outside tilled up so we can prep it for the rest of the garden goodies.


Garlic - April.jpg
Early Girl April 1.jpg
Hoop House - April .jpg
Hoop House  prepped and ready.jpg
Early Girl - April 30th.jpg
Some more babies.jpg

May 15th -We are moving right along - 

We are well into the growing season now.  We have so many plants planted inside the hoop house and outside now.  Yesterday we even took home so fresh asparagus.  It was delicious.  

The Roscommon County 4-H Veggie Investigators are enjoying their time working on their garden rows, while we in the CSA continue to plant, weed and watch our hard work come to life.

July 14th -So many goodies to share. 

Look at these veggies!  It's mid-July and we are picking zuccinni, yellow squash, cucumbers, garlic and a few others.  The onions will be ready soon and the corn is taller than some of the kids that help at the CSA.  Keep your eye out as we get ready to start our campaign for the new year.  We are getting an early start so we can give everyone time to get signed up.

July 14 - tomatoes
July 14 - cherry tomatoes
July 14 - zuccinni
July 14 - winter squash
July 14 - corn
July 14 - Squash
Farm sign_edited.jpg
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© 2021 by Ol' Barn Cooperative.
Proudly created with

Janice & Bruce Balcom

4290 N. Flint Rd. 

Roscommon, MI 48653




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